Academics » Music



Music for Minors is a sequential, in-school music education program that is delivered in alignment with the California Content Standards for Music. SCSD has partnered with Music for Minors to provide music instruction in elementary schools as well as choir classes at both middle schools.
Music for Minors provides a weekly program for kindergarten through 3rd grade students. It offers a variety of hands-on experiences through participation in singing, movement, theory, dance, musical games, and through the use of rhythm instruments and the recorder.
Teaching focus:
  •       Singing: pitch matching, posture, breath, head voice, chest voice, ear training, enunciation
  •       Rhythm: steady beat, body percussion, instruments
  •       Movement: folk dance, musical games, action songs
  •       Listening: across the eras and around the world
  •       Playing recorder (3rd grade): reading notation and fingering notes
The mission of Music for Minors is to nurture love and literacy of music through instruction, participation, and performances -- enhancing academic education with musical arts.  
Learn more about Music for Minors. This program is made possible with the support of the San Carlos Education Foundation.