Academics » PE


Keeping Kids Active!

Legaza Sports provides physical education (PE) programs at San Carlos School District elementary schools. They also provide administrative and athletic director services to the after school sports program for the district’s two middle schools.

Legarza’s PE program is based on California State Standards for PE-CDE and is overseen by a credentialed instructor. The curriculum follows the Mastery Orientation Teaching Model, which celebrates effort as much as achievement. The program provides differentiated instruction for grade clusters and individualized student needs.

At Arundel, every class is taught twice a week and follows the 4 Unit Curriculum:

  • Unit 1 -  Body Movement and Control

  • Unit 2 - Throwing and Catching

  • Unit 3 - Kicking and Footwork

  • Unit 4 - Recess Games

Some students favorites are:

  • Angry Birds — develops throwing

  • Three Little Pigs — develops body movement and control

  • Soccer — Kicking and footwork

  • Protect the Queen — develops hand/eye coordination and throwing skills.

Learn more about the Legarza program and their Arundel teaching team here.

The physical education program is funded in part by the San Carlos Education Foundation (SCEF).